Wednesday 11 April 2007

An Odor Eliminating Light Bulb

Recently, I'm taking a product design workshop. I was asked to design a lamp with emotional meaning. It means the design, to some extend, must have a meaning for its own sake rather than just following its function. So, I proposed to make a lamp with smell. I doen't mean the smell of burning. Yes, anything given to me would become related to smell. It might not be a good thing. Anyway, the instructors seemed impressed by the idea. Ha, smell always has its power to impress people, either in a good way or a bad one.

Then, I went to google to have a rough search. It came out this site:

An Odor Eliminating Light Bulb

This is a bulb which claimed to deoderized the air in the room. Costs $19.99 USD - 2 Bulbs. Ha, I very wonder if it works or not! I don't wanna be mean, but just doubt if this company is still survived.

Saturday 31 March 2007

機場4D影院開幕 體驗光影色香味 - 4D Cinema

(明報) 03月 31日 星期六 05:10AM






票價30至70元 不設字幕



以旅發局主席身分最後一次出席公開場合的周梁淑怡 表示,4D影院是繼迪士尼和東涌纜車昂坪360 後,另一大嶼山旅遊新景點,相信可吸引更多市民及旅客來訪。香港國際機場機場地產業務總經理楊嘉倫補充,影館有助吸引旅客轉機、候機,花15分鐘入場看戲。現時通往機場的交通四通八達,相信亦可吸引市民來到翔天廊。

Sunday 11 March 2007

Smell the books

Just create a booklist in Amazon. I found that is quite a good service to keep my booklist. Surely, it also helps Amazon to sale books.

Please feel free to let me know if you find any books related to smell too.

Wednesday 7 March 2007

Make Scent Studio

Yes, finally I decided to make a blog to record my dreams in interactive media. One day, if I can have my own studio, it will be called... "Make Scent Studio". for fun.